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Orphanage Support

TROEC Pic Sent by Mama Kai.JPG

Noshi supports an orphanage known as The Throne Room and Educational Center (TROEC) in Sierra Leone. We provide several essential items to the orphans, and are working towards more sustainable development for the orphanage.


In the past, the founder of Noshi, along with a team of students, made care packages in the form of new backpacks and several school supplies (seen in the image above among a few of the children holding backpacks). Because TROEC is also a school, these school supplies were instrumental in the growth of the children. Noshi focuses not only on delivering more school supplies, but also on delivering other critically helpful, basic sanitary necessities. Below is a list of the items we buy and/or collect to donate.

Gently Used or New Items​

  • Clothing: Gently used items must be washed

    • Children/teen clothes- boys and girls (all sizes)

    • Undergarments- underwear and socks, boys and girls (all sizes)

    • Shoes/sneakers- boys and girls (all sizes)​


New Items Only

  • Personal hygiene items: deodorant, lotion, shampoo and conditioner, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, feminine products (pads, tampons), razors, shaving cream, toilet paper

  • School supplies: backpacks for K-12 students, paper, spiral notebooks, folders, pens, pencils, markers, colored pencils, crayons, calculators, books, teaching games

  • Other: soccer balls, dolls


Make Your Own Care Package!

Using new items only, put together your own personalized care package, be it a backpack with school supplies, a hygiene kit, or a play/educational items package!

Additionally, Noshi is working on more sustainable development for the orphanage and its surrounding community, such as access to a clean and running water source, which the orphanage lacks still unfortunately. Monetary donations will be especially helpful for successfully implementing this kind of sustainable development, which pays abundant dividends in the long-term.   

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