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Expression For Justice Project

 Scales of Justice

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Martin Luther King Jr.

To ensure the scales of justice don't tip unevenly, social awareness is key. Social awareness building starts with those who have a voice taking initiative and speaking out for the voiceless, for the condemned, for the afflicted. Social awareness building is nothing new, and many have taken up its flag to help lead the way to justice and freedom for those who have lost either or both. 


Noshi follows in the footsteps of those who help fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. The social justice and human rights issues we care about and work toward creating awareness for are the ones that affect the most people and in the worst ways. The areas and populations affected in such ways include:


  • Uighur Muslims of China- facing religious discrimination and persecution, being locked up and tortured in Nazi-like concentration camps 

  • Kashmir- Human rights violation, including lock-down, assault of the natives who resist, and more

  • Syria- Since the Arab Spring, citizens of Syria have known only war and destruction, gruesomely caught in a conflict that has nothing to do with them

  • India- Muslims of India face attacks on their homes, schools, places of worship, and other institutions due to Hindi nationalism resulting from Prime Minister Modi's rule 

  • Palestine/Gaza- Similar to Syrians,  the Palestinian people live in the face of death every day due to conflict/war

  • Rohingya- Severe genocide and persecution by Myanmar against the Rohingya Muslims 

  • Several other human rights issues resulting in persecution and condemnation 

If you care about these social justice issues, then Noshi's Expression For Justice project is our call to you to engage in creative expression with spoken word poetry, speech, or short story, sharing your emotions and feelings to raise awareness for those in need. 

Your work will be shared on Noshi's Youtube channel.


See Guidelines Below

Steps and Guidelines:

  • Through your unique creative expression, write a poem, speech, or short story conveying your emotions and the sad realities of the social justice and human rights violations for one of the social justice-country focus areas listed above

  • For the spoken word component, we seek uniformity for all videos we share. As such, please:

    • Record in front of a window and during day time for good natural lighting​

    • Set your phone or camera somewhere so it is not moving

    • Ensure there is no background noise

    • Speak clearly and loudly

    • Be standing and have phone/camera preferably around eye-level

    • Record a separate, short video of a few seconds stating the following: “my name is [full name], I speak for the afflicted who face injustice, and I support Noshi”

    • Provide us with a high-quality photo of you and short bio for us to include in the beginning of the video 

    • Submit both videos, photo, and short bio via email or text (see 'Contact')!

After we review your video, we will edit in your photo and bio into our final product so that once shared, viewers will get to know to a little bit about you and build rapport before listening to you. Your bio and photo also serve to highlight the diversity of people who care to raise awareness with Noshi's Expression For Justice project. 

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