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Noshi exists to help the people- all people- in any capacity possible. Focusing on care programs in the spheres of aid & development, relief to under-served populations, wastage reduction, health, social justice & equity, and more, Noshi aims to mitigate and ease the burdens of those most in need. With its founding pillars of togetherness, faith, and compassion, Noshi endeavors to bring hope, relief, and smiles to the afflicted women, children, men, elderly, disabled, and oppressed people of the world- whereby such people may never feel abandoned and may always know the light of those who care burns brightly still. 


Noshi is the name of the founder's mother, who passed away battling cancer many years ago. She was the best of people. And taught us why we care for the those around us, for those in need. She was a light, a hero, to so many in this world. The umbrella-like curving swoosh that extends from 'N' in the logo symbolizes the purpose of our nonprofit through who she was.


Her resounding kindness to and unrelenting care for all became a protective shield of love. And the umbrella-like extension of the letter 'N' over the rest of the letters in the logo is a reflection of this shield of love, epitomizing our nonprofit's foundational purpose in striving to protect, reach out to, and help all who are in need in any way possible. It is not the founder's care for those in need that gave birth to our nonprofit's purpose. Rather, the leaf of this purpose stems from the tree of Noshi's immeasurable love, and this purpose lives on in our mission and in the hearts of all who are a part of the                  family.

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Pillars (The How)




The belief that one can do it alone is the opposite of what we stand for. Noshi champions unity in every step, be it in our programs, who we work with, who we care for, or working alongside the hearts of those who carry the same mission as Noshi but are not among us. Togetherness is not only a founding pillar of Noshi, but it is a pillar we believe is the foundation for all who care to help those in need.    

To have faith, whether in religious terms or not, is to hope. To have faith is to believe. And belief is the child of faith. Noshi strives not only to help as many as possible, but also to help them in the best way it can, never giving up and always working for solutions with the underlying faith that we will find a way to help those in need. 

The first step in helping those in need is feeling and understanding what they are going through. The first step is caring- caring as if the woman, child, sick, hungry, or afflicted person is your own family member. And it is this kind of care that gives birth to true compassion. Every individual or community it aims to help, Noshi sees that person or group of people as kin.    


About the Volunteer Founder

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The founder, Saqib Rana, is a Muslim, American-Pakistani from the state of Maryland. Saqib is a global health professional and full-time Masters student at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where he is studying Global Disease Epidemiology Control. Previously, he worked as a Strategic Information Analyst for a substantial global health HIV/AIDS program serving developing countries. Saqib is also an author, self-publishing his first book in 2019, a story-poem book titled 'Story of Life: In a Tale of Words'. In loving memory of his mother, Noshi, and passionate about global health, hunger, poverty, and wastage reduction, sustainable development, social justice, and education, he founded the nonprofit, Noshi, dedicating his life to fighting for these causes for those affected by their absence the most.


Saqib considers himself the "Volunteer Founder", and not for the purpose of portraying any boastful sense of self-righteousness. Rather, he takes this title to emphasize that no one owns Noshi, not even him. The mission, founding pillars, and all that Noshi stands for come from the roots of love, humanity. and hope.

About the Founder
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